Delivery estimates provided during checkout are based on delivery address. Incorrect addresses, order changes, legal holidays, or unexpected circumstances could delay delivery of your order. Please confirm that your information is correct before finalizing your order. If you have any questions regarding delivery or shipping, contact our Customer Experience team for assistance.
Holiday Shipping
During the holidays (November to December), you may experience shipping delays due to a high-volume of orders and the impact of severe weather in the Midwest.
UPS will post service alerts for severe weather, natural disasters, and other uncontrollable conditions that can occasionally disrupt their services. Please see service alerts on on what may delay your order transit time.
Suspension of Service Guarantee:
The UPS® Service Guarantee is currently active for the below domestic and international services but otherwise remains suspended:
- UPS Next Day Air®
The UPS Service Guarantee remains suspended for all other UPS® shipments and services not specified in the above sections, from any origin to any destination.
Effective October 18, 2021 and until further notice, UPS is making the following operational adjustments: Delivery commitment times for UPS Next Day Air® destined to residential locations with a typical delivery time of 10:30 AM will be extended to 12:00 PM. Any applicable Service Guarantee with respect to these packages will be based on these revised delivery commitment times.
Visit UPS to learn more.