At Garrett Popcorn, we pop our delicious, handcrafted recipes in small batches every single morning and your order is shipped within hours of cooking it.
When you place an order on, your order is shipped the following business day. You do have the option to select a future shipping date if you wish to have your order arrive at a later date. Arrival estimates are provided, but are not guaranteed. See more on UPS Service guarantees here.
Estimated Transit Time from the date your order is shipped.
UPS Ground
- Illinois : Typical arrival within 1-2 business days, may include Saturdays
- Contiguous United States (Outside Illinois): Typical arrival within 1-5 business days, may include Saturdays
- Alaska: UPS Ground unavailable
- Hawaii: UPS Ground unavailable
- Puerto Rico: UPS Ground unavailable
- Canada*: Typical arrival within 2-5 business days, may include Saturdays
UPS 2nd Day Air®
- Illinois : Typical arrival within 2 business days
- Contiguous United States (Outside Illinois): Typical Arrival within 2 business days
- Alaska: Typically 2 business days
- Hawaii: Typically 2 business days
- Puerto Rico: Typically 2 business days
- Canada*: UPS 2nd Day unavailable
UPS Next Day Air®
- Illinois : 1 business day, delivery guaranteed by 12 pm
- Contiguous United States (Outside Illinois): 1 business day, delivery guaranteed by 12 pm
- Alaska: 1 business day
- Hawaii: 1 business day
- Puerto Rico: 1 business day
- Canada*: UPS Next Day unavailable
Delivery dates vary for this service and cannot be guaranteed.
*Delivery method may not be available in all areas. Rate is per shipping box unless it is part of a bundle or multipack.
**Estimated Delivery is not a guarantee. For more information regarding UPS service guarantees, click here.